
The danger of mathematics

Ask a simple question

We wind up unexpectedly far from home.

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Dealing with data (II)

The Law of Propagation of Bad Data

You need to go back to the source.

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Dealing with data (I)

Making the cut

We have too much information to deal with.  What do scientists do?

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Celestial navigation

Knowing where you are

You can get turn-by-turn directions.  What more do you need?

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The best learning

The best teaching?

Our tutor ponders methods and results.

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Proof and re-proof

Testing the theory again

General Relativity passes another test of its predictions.  Why bother?

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Making mistakes

Is punishing mistakes a mistake?

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Libraries and long walks

An unnecessary problem

Scientists sometimes set themselves problems just to learn.

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Alternate methods

The answer or the process?

When there’s more than one way to get there, you have to choose.  This can be confusing or useful.

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A village in space

Interstellar genetics

A recent paper contemplates a very long voyage.

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