
A grand memory for forgetting

Learning in compartments

There is so much to take in that we divide up our task subject by subject, rarely allowing something we’ve learned in one class (or other environment) to leak over into another.  This is not, in general, a good thing.

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The story of the bees

Yes, but not in Germany

Scientists try to ask simple questions and to design a controlled experiment, with “all other things being equal.”  It’s rarely possible.

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Machine learning

Trained by our machines

Our chief consultant realizes how effective our machines have been at training us to perform tasks efficiently and exactly.

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Greece vs. Bablylon

Two kinds of mathematics

Mathematics, at almost any level, can be either practical or ideal.  Problems arise when the two kinds are confused.

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Junk mail

Making things easy

New technology often makes a task much easier to do.  That doesn’t necessarily mean it’s done better.

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School’s out

An agricultural anachronism

Why do we have summer vacation?

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Exactly useless

Stages of learning a foreign language

Our consultants are mostly concerned with teaching science and mathematics, claiming no expertise in the very different skill of teaching language.  They have, however, learned several, which gives some insight into the process.

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The ancestral line

Genealogy and history

Some people put tremendous effort into extending and filling in their family trees.  In the end, what purpose does it serve?

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Ideal lies

Why learn something that isn’t true?

As we progress in school, the lessons get more difficult and complicated.  Sometimes they’re difficult because we have to unlearn things.

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The tools of a professional

A ladder is often essential

What a photographer needs to do the job is sometimes far from obvious.

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