Articles Tagged with history of astronomy

Too simple, or not simple enough

Modeling stars

How do you know when you’ve included all the important things?

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What it looks like

The craters of the Moon

It looks like something familiar. . .

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When there are two truths

Aristotle vs. Ptolemy

We point out an uneasy tension beneath an apparent unity.

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A simpler theory

Measuring complications

A simple idea can become a complicated thing to implement.

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Multiple-choice History

Making it simple

Our tutor ponders the trade-off between accuracy and simplicity in teaching.

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Astronomy in church

The cathedral as observatory

We add some complication to an often oversimplified story.

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Names for numbers

Changing designations

Our astronomer wonders about Thor’s Helmet, the Heart and Soul, and other things.

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A cup of suns

The fixed stars, part III

Seeing the forest instead of the trees

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