Articles Tagged with photography

Color for black-and-white

The economics of filters

We reflect on certain items that are getting more expensive.

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The world is round

Life on-screen

The rectangle is confining as well as liberating.

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Flower pictures

Seasonal photography

A sign of spring raises a very basic question.

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The last hurrah of the silver plate

Hunting oxymorons

We recall an example of cutting-edge research using obsolete means.

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Windowsill Tai Chi

Another way of looking

Our photographer explores one of the changes brought about by the virus.

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It used to be hard

Now it’s easy

Are some things too easy to do nowadays?

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Mixing subjects

Crossing boundaries

We put forward an idea for a college class that will probably never happen.

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Rules, principles and recipes (I)

Following the rules

We ponder the Rule of Thirds, Maintenance of the Aim and teaspoons of nutmeg.

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The portfolio review

Going through the archives

Why is it that we almost never look back properly?

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Photography: the hard part

Keeping track

It’s still the same task, digital or film.  And it is still not done well, sometimes at all, by most photographers.

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