Articles Tagged with single-lens reflex

Looking at and looking through

Ways of seeing

What you see depends on how you look.

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Tools shape the artist

A choice of camera is unexpectedly important

Our photographic consultant finds that the camera he uses can have an unsubtle effect on the pictures he takes.

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The postures of photography

Conforming to the machine

Our photographer notices how a new technology forces our bodies into new positions.

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Live long and prosper

What makes a device last for decades?

autographic1Our photographer routinely handles cameras from many different eras, using them to take pictures rather than keeping them for display. Those that work best are neither the youngest ones nor the most expensive. What design features make for a long life?

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Photography Perfected

Contax 139 SLR camera
Contax 139

Our photography consultant writes:

This is the ubiquitous 35mm SLR, the single-lens reflex camera, the design you’re most likely to have actually seen and touched. (The Contax of the picture is a lesser-known name, but still recognizable as the same type as millions of Nikons, Yashikas, Pentaxes, etc.) With its many variations it dominated photography from the 1960s to the end of the film era. In fact, one can argue that the current master of the field is only a modification of this type, as its name implies: digital single-lens reflex, DSLR.

One could also argue that for overall flexibility, ease of use and quality of results the SLR has never really been surpassed and that (as far as such a thing is possible) in this design we see photography perfected. Of course pictures are made by photographers, the camera being only a tool, but after its invention more professional photographers chose this kind than any other.

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