
Don’t know much geometry (II)

Stuff I learned in school

More reasons for apparently useless subjects.

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Making a drawing (II)

When the details are important

Sometimes careful pencil-work is vital.

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Making a drawing (I)

The importance of the rough sketch

Sometimes, the rougher the better.

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Planned and unplanned

Careful forethought vs. serendipity

Equivocal insights from photography.

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Beginning with a question mark

The written and the spoken word

We ask a question: how do you ask a question?

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Numbering the stars (II)

The observable universe

One word is the difference between calculation and infinity.

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Numbering the stars (I)

Big numbers

We look at answers to an obvious question.

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Destroying the world (almost)

Science to serve the plot

We comment on a science-fiction novel in progress.

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Username and password

Online registration

Why do we have to have an account for everything we do online?

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What is your name?

Power and placeholders

We point out a difference between mathematics and magic.

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