
The narrative imperative

Telling the story

We notice that novel-writing and movie-making are different from Physics and History.

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Names for numbers

Changing designations

Our astronomer wonders about Thor’s Helmet, the Heart and Soul, and other things.

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Professional writing

and professional reading

Some writing is not what we’d expect.

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Students return (II)

Unintended consequences

We find, again, that the message we thought we sent is not always what was received.

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Students return

Two come back

Our tutor and our astronomer meet with former students.

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Putting pen to paper (III)

Too easy

Why do some easy things never actually get done?

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The danger of the best

Unexpected effects of good reading

Some books don’t seem quite as good as we remember.

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Is this always true?

Absolute truths

Some questions are very difficult to answer, even if you know the answer.

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Ghosts of future theories

Magnetic monopoles

We know a great deal about things that may not exist.

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A new type of paradoxer

Collective individuals

Has the internet made possible a new form of anti-science?

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