
Knowing what you know

Your own limits

Are you really almost there, or just starting out?

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Unfinished business

Open-ended meetings

Our astronomer observes many loose ends.

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Learning for yourself

textbooks (gravitation, thermodynamics) and papers with equationsIn class and out of class

Our tutoring consultant remarks on different ways of learning.

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The picture in your hand

Posters and the meeting

The effects of a social change are seen in the giveaways at a scientific meeting.

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Working the meeting

How to meet

When scientists get together, what do they do?

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Build or buy?

Your own instruments

A lesson in technology, economics and convenience.

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A hands-on process

Working manually

How much of your work is your own?

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Telling time

Waiting for the kalends

How you tell time tells something about you.

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Cutting it short

How is a poster like a sonnet?

Our astronomer struggles to fit into a limited space.

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A gathering of astronomers

When scientists get together

Sociology, ecology, economics and linguistics in astronomy.

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