
Maps and apps

In principle and in practice

Another way we may be inadvertently changing how we see the world.

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Looking at and looking through

Ways of seeing

What you see depends on how you look.

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Learning and relearning

Holes in one’s memory

Not everything we learn sticks.  This can be discouraging.

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Surveys and telephones

Fitting in the box

If you don’t ask the question, you won’t get the answer.

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Several things at once

Multiplexed astronomy

An example of answering several questions at once, by doing several kinds of observation at once.

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Just like it sounds

Reforming English spelling?

Learning how to spell in English is difficult.  Reforming the system would be harder.

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In balance

Some actions are obviously good and right.  Looking more widely, it may be less obvious.

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Reading the script

Languages and sounds

Writing is a wonderful invention, but it has its limits.

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Sometimes the answer is no

When finding nothing is something

In science, coming up with the answer is often the easy part.

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The past in my pocket

Thruppence and history

Paying with physical money, especially pocket change, is going away.  That will make future historians’ work harder.

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