
Science fiction and verb conjugations

Past, present and future are not enough

Science fiction writers imagine whole new universes and explore their possibilities, as we’ve mentioned before.  Perhaps they need to think about the changes in language that go along with them.

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The John Henry moment

Old technology triumphant

A mathematics teacher is not much like a nineteenth-century railroad worker–but there are parallels.  Our consultant who tutors High School math and science continues to learn from it; sometimes, his students do also.

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Smartphones by campfire light

An incongruity of technologies

One of our consultants has an interesting device for camping or possibly a disaster situation.  On closer examination it appeared to us that it hadn’t been quite thought through.  Then we examined it more closely still.

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Science and social science

Differences among the PhDs

Methods and results differ among the various sciences.  This comes from differences in their subject matter and is not always understood, even by scientists.

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Classes of classes

What is the aim of school?

A recent comment on one of our posts raises the question of what teachers are trying to achieve in school.  The answer varies.

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It’s simpler than that

Teachers can know too much

High School chemistry rests on a base of sophisticated quantum mechanics.  Fortunately, it’s not necessary to master the advanced subject in order to use its results.

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Ways of learning and of avoiding it

Life is not a word problem

Our tutoring consultant continues to gain insights from his students.

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The seasons are complicated

It’s not one thing, but another

Our astronomer adds some complication to the season.

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Interpreting French Oast

The complicated business of reading signs

Even simple daily tasks can involve very sophisticated thinking.

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When predictions are wrong

The role of science fiction

Today’s world doesn’t look like most science fiction stories pictured it.  But accurate prediction isn’t the main point of the genre.

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