
It’s alarming

Many things want our attention.  They can’t all have it

Life always seems to get louder and more insistent.  There are reasons for this, though it’s not a good trend.

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Plato’s fallacy

Education is good, but it has its limits

A scientist cautions against the idea behind the philosopher-king.

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Normal science

Progress that doesn’t go viral

Some recent posts have addressed events in astronomy that have attracted attention from the general public.  Our astronomer would like to explain something that you’ll probably never hear about.

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They need not actually be spectacular

moonOur astronomer, somewhat reluctantly, talks about the Supermoon

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On textbooks

Learning and re-learning

Textbooks are to learn from, of course.  But who is doing the learning, and when?

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Hard problems and easy ones

What’s difficult is not always clear

Humans have accomplished some pretty amazing things, from putting men on the Moon (with old technology!) to sequencing their own heredity.  But stubborn problems that look much easier persist.

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The angle of the light

A photographer and appearances

16l06-22bOur photographer draws our attention to how differently the same objects appear in different light.  It’s a lesson easily generalized.

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Somone else’s poetry

Why read something you don’t care for?

A minor matter of a subscription raises a point of vital importance.

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The postures of photography

Conforming to the machine

Our photographer notices how a new technology forces our bodies into new positions.

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Science and the long shot

Why new discoveries are over-hyped

We often hear of new scientific results that promise great things, especially in the health field, but then hear no more of them.  Most scientific ideas don’t work out.  Why, then, do we still hear the hype?

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