Articles Tagged with photography


The passive voice

Sometimes it’s hard to work out who is responsible.  It’s only going to get harder.

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Unfulfilled potential

Not there yet

Have digital photographers yet made full use of the medium?

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Eclipse planning

Choosing one’s data

We contemplate activity during a very short time span.

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Kids today

Effects of technology

A graduation party starts us thinking about teenagers.

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Good or new?

Worthwhile art

We discuss something beyond our formal qualifications.

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Rent or own?

On revenue streams

How and why do we pay for software?

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Whose art?

Leaves on the ground

Our photographer looks down.

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As good as it needs to be?

We ponder whether cameras can be further improved.

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Changing the world, or not

Recording sight and sound

Some inventions change society; others don’t.  Why?

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Getting back to it

Restarting routine

After a pause, how do you go back to what you used to do–and why?

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