Articles Tagged with foreign language

Unimportant history

Obscure biography

A book about someone we’d never heard of turns out to be unexpectedly interesting.

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Octopus arithmetic

How different could it get?

We ponder how to communicate with aliens.

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The passive voice

Sometimes it’s hard to work out who is responsible.  It’s only going to get harder.

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Weather and learning

If you look closely, there is enormous diversity.  This can be a problem.

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Prepositions and infinitives

A difficult translation

English is a very unusual language.

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The Aspirational Bookcase

Good intentions

It can take time to get around to things.

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Difficult meters

On poetry

Can anyone write a poem?

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Going overseas

Reasons to leave home

Whether a trip abroad is worthwhile depends on why you are going.

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On translation

Moving between languages

We consider alternative teaching strategies.

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Monoglot music

Not about sukiyaki

What does an old song say about its times?

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